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Make the Most of Your Home Part 2

Tim Kraemer

Most of us have been spending more time than usual in our homes over the past month. The more time we have at home, the more time we have to notice things we should fix, clean, rearrange, or things we simply do not like about our homes. This extra time at home combined with extra stress of the world right now can leave us feeling cooped up and frustrated with our homes. Our goal is to help you establish a better mindset about your home and help you to enjoy the space you are currently living in.

In part 1 last week, we established grounds for enjoying your current situation. We defined what ‘home’ means to us and we searched for the good in our home. If you missed last week’s blog, check it out here:

This week we will highlight three more ways in which you can make the most of your home right here and now.

A big part of how you feel within your home comes from the state of your home. Living in excess can bog you down. It can be defeating if your home is just a constant reminder of chores that need to be done, projects that need finishing or messes that need picking up. If you are overwhelmed with the items you own, it can be difficult to feel like you love your home.

Taking control of your stuff and decluttering your home can make a big difference. If your home is filled with items that feel like burdens or reminders of past sadness it can leave you feeling uncomfortable within your own home. Try imagining how much more you would love your home if it only contained items you used and loved. Owning less can lead to feeling more peace within your home.

Once you’ve decluttered and cleared your space, you may find yourself realizing what you really love about your home. Find those things that bring you the most joy and put them front and center throughout your home. Highlight that living room window that gets lots of daylight, put out your favorite décor, etc. You can choose to make every day a special occasion in your home if you highlight the things you love.

Lastly, it is important to choose gratitude. Your home may not be your ‘dream home’ but you are bound to find things you are grateful for in any space you call ‘home.’ Simply choosing to be grateful for a roof over your head can lead your focus to view your home as a gift instead of everything it isn’t.

Remember the true meaning of home, focus on what you love, and choose to find your home to be a place of comfort and love.




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